Mr. Zacharia Shekwonya is a card-carrying member of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and a native of Abuja. He is a Councilorship aspirant under Kabusa Ward in the Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC). In this interview with Emmanuel Eko, he explains his foray into politics and how he hopes to effect positive change if elected as a Councilor come 2026 Abuja Councilorship Elections. Excerpts
Can I meet you?
I am Mr. Zacharia Shekwonya, an aspirant for Counsilorship, Kabusa ward under the umbrella of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC), FCT.
Can you tell us how far you have gone in your campaign preparation?
My campaign has been good so far, I had to go to places the ruling party (PDP) and `the aged persons cannot go, we call it door to door campaign. We started the movement since 2021 and we are still on it.
What can you say about your experience in politics so far?
I would say, is kind of bitter because there is no form of transparency in politics and it takes courage. It takes a firm person to overcome happenings in Nigerian politics. You know some people say before you can win an office in Nigeria you need to have a godfather but we say with God on our side, no need for godfatherism.
What would you do differently if elected?
As a Councilor, if elected, as a servant, I will take the peoples needs and complaints as well as speak on behalf of the good people of Kabusa Ward to the Chairman Abuja Municipal Area Coucil, it’s simply what they have always dreamt of.
You sound confident. Is this your first time in politics?
No, I understand the logic in politics having been a politician for some time now.
Thank you